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- Armchair Quarterbacking in the Protection Industry
Armchair Quarterbacking in the Protection Industry
Welcome to the last edition of On the Circuit before the festive break. As we say here, knowledge is power and, in our industry, “what you don’t know can hurt you.” Thats why each week we try to bring you a blend of industry news, expert interviews, training resources and networking opportunities. So, let's take a look at what we've got for you this week.
Today's rundown:
Physical to Cyber - What is a converged security specialist?
Armchair Quarterbacks - Get the popcorn ready
Documentary - A close up look at female protection
Wherever and however you're spending the holidays this year, we wish you and your loved ones a safe and enjoyable time.
The Circuit Magazine Podcast

People often talk about up-skilling from a physical security role to becoming a cyber or converged security specialist. But what does that really mean?
On this episode of the podcast, we speak with Shaun Southall, an operator that has expertly and effectively converged the two worlds of physical and cyber together as a working security specialist.
Join us this week as we talk about:
Shaun’s asymmetric career journey into cyber security.
How the ‘uninitiated,’ physical security specialist can augment their skills.
What steps to take and what to avoid when breaking into the field.
The single biggest mindset shift that will determine your success.
A great episode for anyone considering a career in cyber or interested in the convergence between these security disciplines and wanting to learn more.
If you enjoy listening to the Circuit Podcast and can spare a minute, please rate/review us. Your rating will help us to rank higher making it easier for others to find the podcast.
The Need to Know

Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau's personal security detail are caught on camera allegedly 'roughing up' a reporter. Regardless of the provocation, this isn't a very professional look.
Several thousand people have fled deadly inter-ethnic clashes in northern Cameroon, seeking safety across the border in Chad, the Red Cross said Thursday.
The bodyguards of Bollywood are earning more than you might think but how do they compare to other celebrity protectors?
Prakash Singh alias Sonu has an annual paycheque higher than the CTC of CEOs of many companies, placing him among the highest-paid celebrity bodyguards in the Bollywood industry.

After a briefing by representatives of the Shin-Bet, Mossad, police and National Security Council, it was decided that the Netanyahu family will no longer receive security protection.
The Security Industry Association (SIA) has identified and forecasted the 2022 Security Megatrends, defining the top 10 factors influencing both short- and long-term change in the global security industry.
For the second year in a row, the report identified artificial intelligence (AI) as the predominant trend shaping the security industry. What were the other 9?
Partner Stella Moris fears that the ‘mini-stroke’ will lead to a ‘more major attack’
Talks between PM and crown prince of Abu Dhabi come after full diplomatic links brokered last year

An Android malware analyst has found two Google Play Store apps to contain the Trojan malware in them.
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From the Pages of the Circuit Magazine

In this article, Circuit Editor, Elijah Shaw shares what really 'drives him up the wall' — “know-it-alls” that have to prove Executive Protection superiority by criticizing and critiquing any and everything that comes across their radar. What he refers to as Armchair Quarterbacks. As Elijah puts it...
"Many have heard the term before, however, my definition is slightly different. One might categorize the Armchair Quarterback as someone who comments on a job but has never done it before.
My take is that in the Close Protection industry, our Armchair Quarterbacks are oftentimes doing the business on multiple levels to varying degrees of success, but instead of enjoying that success and motivating and inspiring others, they spend a noticeable degree of time criticizing every play someone else makes. They do this even though they have no influence on the outcome of the event, and in each and every situation they let you know how it should have been done and of course how they would have done it better. This to me is the same as the guy on the couch with the giant bowl of popcorn and the six-pack of beer yelling at the screen. –It accomplishes little.
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Situation Report by RANE

In Pakistan, the Afghan Taliban Showcase Their Ability to Mediate With Militants — worldview.stratfor.com
The Afghan Taliban’s success in mediating between militants and the government in neighboring Pakistan could help bolster the credibility of the transitional government in Kabul and assuage some regional security concerns by showcasing the Taliban leaders’ ability to prevent cross-border terrorism.
An analysis of more than 100 internal PowerPoint presentations from Chinese telecom giant Huawei revealed the company’s direct involvement in surveillance activities and human rights abuses.
Huawei’s capabilities include voice recognition for national security efforts, prison monitoring and scheduling for inmate reeducation classes, location tracking for political persons of interest, facial recognition for the capture of Uyghur Muslims, and behavior recognition for corporate monitoring.
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From the Community

NABA Director, Elijah Shaw along with other Protection Professionals dropping gems of wisdom at the IPSB. This panel was discussing training in the EP industry.

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The Circuit Magazine are proud to once again sponsor this well-established forum and one of the most anticipated industry events of the year. Tickets are now on sale and priced at £149.50.
In partnership with CTGI, and through our communities, a number of tickets will be allocated for free to BBA and NABA members. This will be a phased roll-out, starting with corporate and top tier members. Details will be available in the app soon.
Elsewhere, on the Circuit...

More and more clients are hiring women bodyguards. Female bodyguards aren’t apparent security and don’t draw attention to a person who is being protected.
This documentary features interviews with female bodyguards from Russia and Egypt. They let us inside the life of personal protection and tell us why they’ve chosen a non-traditional career path.
the Colonial Pipeline was breached using an exposed employee credential, not that of an executive. Nevertheless, nearly all industry digital protection services are designed to monitor only a select number of high-profile company employees.
Why isn’t there the same level of digital protection for employees below executives or the C-suite if they also have access to critical systems and sensitive data?
Until next week...
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