Overseas Travel is back

Attack of the Drones, & Skydiving Smugglers

As someone who operates within the security industry, you’ve become a master at adapting to any situation. And we’re here to help you keep your finger on the pulse with another informative round-up of industry insights.

Healthcare Security specialist, Martin Green, embraces the can-do attitude of this weeks newsletter as he discusses the challenges he's overcome and the procedures he's put in place to keep a health establishment safely running over the past 14 months. Martin has us all nodding in agreement when, during this weeks podcast, he reflects...

“Security is the department of everything. If people don't know who to call, they call me!”

Elsewhere, as the world struggles to shake off the hangover of the pandemic, we bring out the experts to guide us through the forgotten hazards of overseas travel. Mark "Six" James kicks things off with his Airport Survival Guide. We also hear from Ben Hockman who extolls the virtues of being able to communicate natively. And Philip Young delivers an extreme warning of how your world can be turned upside down in an instant - a must-read for all overseas contractors.

So, as the first week of June draws to a close, here is your 5-minute catch-up on all the main events.

On the Circuit has you covered when you are busy covering others.

What's New?

The Circuit Magazine Podcast, Episode 21

What’s health care security got to teach executive protection?

It’s no surprise to anyone that in this last year, the health sector has faced its biggest and most unique challenges in its history.

This week, we talk to Martin Green, CSO of Bay Crest Healthcare in Canada to discuss the challenges of the last 14 months in healthcare security and how EPs can adopt the lessons learned into our own methodologies to create a safer working environment for our clients.

Topics we discuss in this week’s show include:

  • Air travel changed after 9/11. And in the same way, healthcare has now irrevocably altered after COVID. But what will the new norm look like?

  • What the health sector learned from physical security when it comes to securing large sites with limited resources and infrastructure.

  • And anyone who might have an interest in moving into the field of healthcare security, tune in to hear Martin’s single best piece of advice.

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From the Pages of the Circuit Magazine 📰

As the world reopens and protectors begin travelling again, we have selected 3 informative articles to improve the success and survivability of your next overseas assignment.

When you think about negotiating an airport, what is your personal readiness level? Mark "Six" James has literally written a travellers survival guide for the topic.

When it comes to surviving sudden violence whether as the result of an active shooter or other civilian mass casualty incidents, I always tell people it is more important to not get shot than it is to shoot, shooting is extra credit.

Security Consultant, Ben Hockman, shares tips on breaking the communication barrier when working in foreign countries where the locals don't speak your native language. In this article, Ben reflects on a recent task to Colombia - an operating environment that already comes loaded with challenges.

Exclusive to the Circuit Magazine, this remarkable first-hand account was first published in 2009. Written by a security contractor while he was being held in the notorious Poli-Charki prison, it serves as a warning to all protectors operating in countries where the usual rules don't apply.

My name is Philip Young, I am a South African citizen imprisoned in Afghanistan. My incarceration is the result of an incident that took place in Helmand Province and involved the fatal shooting, by me, of an Afghan citizen.

Download and read the latest issue

Industry News 📣

A selection of the top stories affecting our industry - pulled from the Circuit Daily Briefing.

Libyan forces were "hunted down and remotely engaged" by an autonomous drone, a UN report reads.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) staff working in Cape Town’s townships have called for more policing as they are now allegedly forced to pay extortion syndicates for protection.

A podcast called ‘The Syndicate’ dives into a sophisticated criminal network that snuck $12 million dollars worth of weed across the U.S. state borders.

Gunmen seized 136 children from an Islamic seminary in central Nigeria at the weekend, the state government said, the latest in a string of such incidents plaguing Africa's most populous nation.

The likely closure of the ASIS station in Kabul could create a perception Australia only participated in the 20-year Afghan war to please the US government.

Citizens discussing pandemic could reportedly find themselves detained by police

President Joe Biden on Wednesday did not rule out retaliation against Russian President Vladimir Putin for a series of cyberattacks on American companies.

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Video: Derion Williams discusses one of the biggest challenges with managing Tour Security internationally - The Language Barrier.

Congratulations to Los Angeles based protector and BBA Connect user, Charles Smith who recently graduated from the Executive Protection Institute course, 'Providing Executive Protection.' Well done Charles. 👍

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Wednesday, 9 June 2021

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Until next week...

If you found this issue of On the Circuit newsletter useful, please forward it to a friend or colleague who’d also enjoy it.

And always, if you have a minute, please rate/review the Circuit Magazine Podcast... thank you and have a great weekend!


Managing Editor


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