Terror Strikes French Capital Again.

Plus: Missed Opportunities, AI Guidelines & Bodyguard turned Hitman

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Hey there, Circuiteer. In this edition of the newsletter, we're doing something a little different; we’re diving into a diverse range of topical stories that are currently shaping our world. From the intrigue of a staged murder plot in Florida to the Taliban's diplomatic strides in China, the harrowing realities of the Gaza conflict and Russian POWs in Ukraine. Whether you're a professional in the field or just curious about the future of security, our insights will provide you with a fresh perspective and a strong foundation for those hotly debated discussions. Let's dive in!


Terror Strikes Paris: Tourist Killed in Knife Attack

In a grim reminder of the persistent threat of terrorism, a German tourist has tragically been killed in a knife and hammer attack near Paris' Eiffel Tower. The assailant, arrested shortly after and described as having serious psychiatric disorders, reportedly expressed distress over the deaths of Muslims globally.

This has led France’s national antiterrorism prosecutor’s office to launch an investigation, hinting at deeper, complex motives. This violent incident in the heart of Paris has reignited fears of Islamist terrorism, shaking the nation's sense of security and highlighting the ongoing challenges of combating extremism.

Here we are again in Paris, as France suffers yet another terrorist attack linked to Islamist extremists. The attack, occurring earlier today, is a stark reminder of the ever-present threat of terrorism that continues to loom over all major cities.

As professionals charged with the protection of others, this tragic incident reminds us all of the need for constant vigilance, good situational awareness, and always knowing what your immediate action is in any given situation.

Jericho Wall - A Missed Opportunity

It has emerged that Israeli officials had their hands on Hamas's detailed battle plan, code-named "Jericho Wall", over a year in advance. This wasn't just any plan—it was a 40-page dossier outlining a catastrophic invasion that would later claim about 1,200 lives. But, in a twist of fate, Israeli intelligence disregarded it as fiction, too elaborate and audacious to be true. They filed it under "aspirational," a misjudgment with tragic consequences. The plan, meticulously crafted, described a full-scale assault on Israeli cities and military bases, a blueprint for disaster that was underestimated until it turned into a heartbreaking reality.

The stark revelation that Israeli intelligence had Hamas's "Jericho Wall" plan in their grasp yet shrugged it off is a jarring wake-up call in the world of espionage and security.

Sadly, this isn't just a blip on the radar; it's a profound lesson in never underestimating one's opponent. In the high-stakes game of intelligence, treating ominous threats as fiction can have catastrophic consequences. Here's hoping this costly lesson reshapes how threats are assessed, turning overconfidence into cautious vigilance - it’s hard to imagine Israeli intelligence will be caught out in such a fashion again.

Crafting the World's First AI Security Super-Guidelines

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre and the US Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency have crafted a cyber rulebook embracing a 'secure by design' ethos. It's a global cyber huddle, with major players like Microsoft and international agencies nodding in agreement. The message? When it comes to AI, play safe or go home.

Russian POWs Reveal the Harrowing Reality of Avdiivka's Battle"

In the bleak, snow-dusted landscape of eastern Ukraine, Russian prisoners of war, huddled in a garage, reveal the nightmarish reality of the Avdiivka battle. These men, some volunteers lured by financial promises, others drafted, speak of a brutal offensive where ill-preparation met merciless combat.

Their rudimentary training left them ill-equipped for the horrors they encountered: frontal assaults against well-entrenched Ukrainian forces, resulting in fields strewn with their fallen comrades. This costly Russian strategy, pushing through sheer numbers, paints a grim picture of high casualties and dwindling morale.

For these soldiers, now POWs far from the front lines, the nightmare of Avdiivka is over, replaced by the uncertainty of captivity and the haunting memories of a war marked by its relentless brutality.

eBook: How to minimize third-party risk with vendor management

A robust vendor management program isn’t just required by compliance frameworks like SOC 2 and ISO 27001. It’s also a critical part of a holistic trust management strategy.

Implementing a vendor management program, however, has become more complex and challenging with the proliferation of SaaS tools and shadow IT. And many overstretched security teams are being asked to do more with less.

To stay compliant and secure — and deepen trust with customers and partners — security teams need a way to proactively manage vendor risk.

This guide from Vanta, the leading trust management platform, brings together perspectives from the frontlines of vendor security management. Get insights and best practices from security and compliance leaders. 


🇦🇫 Afghanistan: Taliban Officially Sends Ambassador Abroad for First Time: Taliban ambassador arrives in Beijing, highlighting China's diplomatic ties with the group and regional stability efforts.

🇺🇦 Ukraine, Russia: Kyiv Takes Credit for Dual Sabotage of BAM - used to transport oil, coal, lumber, minerals and other goods, including to Russia's top trade partner, China

🇷🇺 Russia: Moscow Recognizes 'International LGBT Movement' as Extremist Organization - Russian authorities will likely persecute a few individuals to intimidate supporters of the LGBTQ+ community.


Embracing Integrated Training in Security

Tune in to learn why Integrated Training isn’t just an option but an absolute game-changer for anyone in the security field. In this episode, we discuss:

  • Overview of Integrated Training: The importance and impact of combining physical and cyber security training in the security industry.

  • Two Pillars of Security: Exploring the interrelation and convergence of cybersecurity and physical security in integrated training.

  • Cyber-Physical Threats: Examining scenarios where cyber and physical security threats intersect and their implications.

Elsewhere on the circuit

Filmmaker Stages Murder with Bodyguard Sent to Kill Him

And to finish, on a lighter, more comical note, we head over to Florida for a tale of deceit, double-crossing bodyguards, and a plot gone hilariously wrong.

Meet "Prince Fred" Khalilian, part-time nightclub co-owner with Paris Hilton and full-time suspect in a real-life plot twister, and spoiler, he plays the villain.

Turns out Fred is unhappy about a documentary painting him as the conman of the century and decides to "cancel" the filmmaker, Hollywood style.

Enter the bodyguard-turned-accomplice-turned-hired-hitman, who flips the script. Instead of following his boss’ orders, he helps fake the filmmaker's murder, complete with a staged crime scene that would make a B-movie blush.

Fred, duped, pays for the faux hit via CashApp – because even criminals have gone digital. Now, Fred faces a courtroom showdown, with charges that could land him a leading role in prison for up to 30 years. Curtain call for Fred!


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Stay safe, and keep looking out for one another.

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