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Welcome to On The Circuit!
The Newsletter for Protectors
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Welcome to 'On The Circuit,' a weekly newsletter from the Circuit Magazine! To help you stay on top of a fast-moving industry, we are compiling the latest news stories and trends all in one place.
After 13 years of producing the industry's top publication, we hope you'll find this new feature a valuable addition to your list of professional resources.
So, if you're too busy to read anything else, make sure you check in here, each week, to find the latest updates.
We've got you covered when you are busy covering others!
What's New - Just Released!
Circuit Magazine, Issue 56

Protestors turned rioters and stormed the US Capitol. If this had been on your watch, how prepared would you and your protection team have been? In Issue 56, we look at how you can develop a watertight plan to protect your Principal and assets In the Midst of Chaos.
The Circuit Magazine Podcast, Episode 6

Family offices can be seen as a hurdle between protectors and a well-executed task. Kate Bright made it a mission to understand both sides of the equation.
From the Pages of the Magazine...
Read articles from the most trusted peer resource in the protection world. Written by operators for operators who speak your language.
It often comes as a surprise just how much is available and the nefarious uses it can be put to. OSINT can be applied towards defensive purposes, but this article will only be covering the malicious purposes (i.e. how a bad guy might get access to your client’s sensitive information and data).
One of the biggest challenges of OSINT is not merely recognising it as a threat, but encouraging the behavioural change needed to protect against it widely enough. It is not simply enough for a principal to stop posting Instagram pictures of their travels in order to hide them. Their colleagues, friends, family, and employees also need to be aware and cautious with information which could be misused.
The article Hiding from OSINT by James Bore appeared first on Circuit Magazine.
Sponsored article

If you’re a busy CPO, you might frequently find yourself on the task for long hours. And depending on the specifics of the job, your access to meals isn’t always optimal. Whey protein can make you feel full for longer by regulating hunger and keeping your energy levels up. Leucine, one of the BCAAs in whey protein, will help stimulate energy production so you have adequate fuel to stay on your feet for prolonged periods if necessary.
The article Getting the Right Nutrition on Long Shifts appeared first on Circuit Magazine.

Throughout my nine years of experience in the Executive Protection (EP) industry, I'd like to think that I've achieved many significant accomplishments.
Having traveled to over 30 countries, building executive protection and estate teams, embarking on 10 major worldwide tours and transitioning from field agent to Director of Security. Despite my successes, I've still felt like a student at best, but now finally considering myself a Specialist. Naively, many young protectors are eager to consider themselves "specialists" without undergoing the proper mentorship and gaining the practical experience needed to hold this title.
The article No Cutting by Michael Brown appeared first on Circuit Magazine.
Industry News
A selection of the top stories affecting our industry - extracted from the Circuit Daily Briefing.

What the changes are, when they will happen, and how they affect SIA licence applicants and licence holders.

Haiti: Explosion of kidnappings shows a country sliding into absolute anarchy | World News | Sky News — news.sky.com
The impoverished country of Haiti - already an economic disaster zone with organised crime and kidnapping for ransom out of control - now finds itself in the midst of a constitutional crisis with violent confrontations between anti-government protesters and the police a daily occurrence.

SolarWinds: How Russian spies hacked the Justice, State, Treasury, Energy and Commerce Departments — www.cbsnews.com
cbsnews.com - Bill Whitaker reports on how Russian spies used a popular piece of software to unleash a virus that spread to 18,000 government and private computer networks.
Tweeted by @candies2639 https://twitter.com/candies2639/status/1361185511323406337

Security chief ‘burgled UAE’s London embassy in £3m blackmail plot’ | News | The Times — www.thetimes.co.uk
A security chief and a former Royal Marine have been charged with burgling the UAE’s London embassy as part of a £3 million blackmail plot.Dean Manister, the former head of security at the embassy

A Daily Briefing of News & Opinion for Security Professionals. Each day we scour the globe to bring you the latest geopolitical analysis and security trends.
Circuit Magazine Podcast
Industry insiders give you a behind-the-scenes look into their professional backgrounds and experiences to share on-the-job insights and developments you don't hear anywhere else.
BBA Connect App Highlights
Ask questions, get advice, and find industry resources from an active and thriving community of professional, working operators.
What's your attitude towards new tech and emerging digital threats? Does it fall in your lane as a physical protector? | Shared from the official BBA Connect App.
Listening to the last Circuit Podcast with Andy Clark, G6 Communications he talks about unresolved problems in the comms sector and the lack of training and time that’s afforded to communications and radio use by CP teams. He describes how teams spend time learning first aid, foot drills, etc. but little time is dedicated to using the radio system and solving problems should the device not work. What other areas in the CP industry do you feel there is a lack of training or time afforded to improving on within the team setting? | Shared from the official BBA Connect app.